Screenshots from Pirates! - Page 1

Amiga -> NES -> PC SVGA -> Genesis

¤ Apple II

Screenshots were taken thanks to Applewin 1.10, an Apple IIe/Apple II+ emulator. The weird look of the font is due to a hardware incompatibilty with my video card.

^ Win this fight and you will become a captain ! ^

^ Near Trinidad, one of the easiest cities to capture ^
More screenshots : 1   2

¤ Mac SE/30

Thanks kool cat for those original B&W Mac SE/30 screen shots.

^ Copyright 1987. Am I that old ? ^

^ Always store at least 20 tons of food in your hold. Just in case... ^
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¤ Amstrad CPC

The first version of Pirates! I have ever played. Damn slow, it took hours to navigate from Vera Cruz to Barbados. I played this game so much that my computer used to crash after several hours of play.

^ Leaving Port Royale ^

^ Why have the Spaniards painted their castle in red ? ^
More screenshots : 1   2

¤ Commodore 64

Screenshots taken from this site thanks to Thomas Huber.

^ This green curtain is really ugly. Isn't it ? ^

^ En garde ! ^

^ Trinidad again ^

^ Lots of treasures are buried near San Juan, but without a map, you cannot find them ^

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Copyright 1998 TLG